Sandra Pike has a background in marketing, and it’s obvious.
She entered the realty industry eight years ago, after working in a variety of fields. Her pursuits included law enforcement, group home counselling and franchise ownership before breaking into the realty industry as an advertising sales representative. It didn’t take long before she realized that what she really needed to do, was become an agent herself.
So, she did…with gusto.
If you mention Sandra or her brand persona, ‘Deals in Heels’ to anyone in the Halifax region, they’ll know who you mean. Chances are, they, or someone they know, has recently worked with her to buy or sell their home.
It wasn’t always an easy road though.
At first, Sandra’s forward-thinking approach to real estate marketing had many in the industry scratching their heads. Despite this doubt, Sandra forged into the unknown, and created a path that has helped her become one of the most well-known real estate agents in the area. Her tenacity has led to multiple speaking opportunities, recognition on a national and international level and the creation of a highly successful team of her own, The Pike Group.
So, what is her secret, you may ask?
Well, as Sandra says, “it’s social”.
Social media, that is. When she entered the industry, she started sharing any and all accomplishments on her social media platforms. Her ‘centre of influence’; family, friends and close acquaintances took it from there and shared these achievements. This was all it took to get the ball rolling. From there, she began adding custom graphics and positioning to her posts. This attracted more engagement and a growing following. Leading to a referral frenzy that continues to fuel her business today.
It took four years in the industry to build up the courage to launch her brand persona, ‘Deals in Heels’. As an avid shoe lover and collector, this persona allowed Sandra to connect with potential clients on a personal level, one that was authentic to her, and it worked.

“Branding is your connection to yourself and your clients.” Sandra says in reference to her brand persona, Deals in Heels.
A consummate trend setter, Sandra began introducing selfies, virtual walk throughs, entertaining video segments and drone incorporation in her listings.
She was disrupting the Halifax real estate market and people were noticing. Lots of people, including executives at Facebook, who contacted her to become the first realtor in the world to initiate their artificial intelligence chatbox program on her website.
To stay top of mind, Sandra and her team use a mix of platforms to engage with their clients.
She treats Facebook as her storefront, where she posts new listings, events she is hosting and an ever-mounting number of success stories. Instagram is her relationship building portal, where she shows her personality through authentic content, infused with nods to mainstream fashion and fun video segments.
As her team grows, Sandra accredits consistency and industry leading service standards to their continued success. Her authentic approach to her business, her brand and her life, is apparent in her success.
Success, not only as a real estate agent, but also as a social media disruptor, industry trend setter, educator and overall Powerhouse, in heels.